Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day 5: Oklahoma is O.K.!

Today was definitely a trip!
We started out in the morning by paying a visit to the famous Blue Whale. I felt a little like Pinnochio, but I showed that whale who's boss.

Later in the morning we were able to drive quite a long stretch of original Rt66 hand-laid pavement from the 30s. Except for a patch now and then, it was in tip-top shape. In fact, the patches were worse off than the original road. We also came across a piece of evolving art, the Shoe Tree. If I had a pair of shoes with me, I would have gladly added them to the tree. But, since I don't have feet, I didn't bring any shoes.

Along our travels, we've come across many diverse kinds of wildlife. So far we've seen turtles, ducks, llamas, cows, dogs, skunks, a porcupine, and even a roadrunner. But none captured our heart as much as this dead Armadillo.

Other stops along our way included Oklahoma City, a giant oil derek, and the famous U-Drop Inn/Tower Conoco.

We made it to Texas!!! Tomorrow we find out if everything really is bigger here. I have my fingers crossed that it is.

Big Martha signing out!

(I seem to be having some trouble uploading pictures tonight, so i will try to add them tomorrow. keep checking in!)

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